Biology Genesis also gain the Registration of Food and Drug Administration
Biology Genesis is a group of human friendly and beneficial bacteria & yeast. It is a natural culture without harsh chemical mixture. Biology Genesis digests fats, protein, carbohydrate, cellulose, bad organic odor & waste products.
It has been tested on animals of LD50 by Food Research Centre Foundation of Japan. The report showed that Biology Genesis is non-toxic and not harmful to human and animals. It is also certified by the Health Science Office of the Ministry of Health of Thailand that Biology Genesis is free of pathogenic bacteria, as according to the law of pathogens and toxins from animals.
Food Research Centre (Japan), Health Science Office (Thailand)Wide Range of Application
- Waste water treatment and grease trap maintenance of restaurants, fast food shops, food courts, hotels and karaoke bars.
- Toilets, flushing water tanks, sewage tanks, garbage rooms and central air-conditioning system of apartments, condominiums, offices and factory building, malls and resorts, hotel rooms, karaoke, sauna rooms, banquets and function rooms and carpets.
- Garbage areas, cafeterias,and ponds of schools, hospitals, public institutes and public parks.
- Public lavatories, wet markets, dumpsites, slaughterhouses and food processing plaints.
- Farms of chicken, pigs, fish, and prawn.
- Pet shops and veterinary clinic
Major Effect
- Instantly eliminating bad odor (in urinal bowls, garbaga dump, sewage. shoes etc)
- Digest wastes, sludge which gives bad odor due to fermentation (grease traps, clogged drains)
- Inhibit the growth of algae to improve water quality.
- Elimination of body odor of pets and animals and their bedding.
- Control food files.
- Control pathogenic bacteria (Clostridium, Vibro cholera, Staphylococcus, E-coli, and Salmonella-by bacteriocins action).
- Decrease BOD, and increase efficiency of sewage treatment (saving electrical power).

Water Quality Improvement
The main application is to improve the zooplankton quantity and reduce all those excessive organic substances.

Waste Water Treatment
The main application is to reduce the BOD, Cod, TSS and TKN parameter by 100% natural process.

Odor Removal
The main application is to remove offensive odor by effective nitrification and sulfur reducing process.

Kitchen / Toiletry / Hotel Treatment
The main application is to improve the oil and grease treatment and to remove unpleasant smell caused by ammonia and produce killer toxin to eliminate pathogenic bacteria.

Animal Husbandry
The main application is to act as pro-biotic treatment to prevent intestinal disease and improve health maintenance. In addition to improve the FCR, and reduce mortality rate.

Agriculture Treatment
Treats and prevents the countryside, fruit tree & vegetable infected by diseases such as Solanumseudomonas, Xanthomonas, monas, carotene-fungi, Plant Phytorpthere infestant.

Aquaculture Treatment
- Control of algae multiplications such as blue-green algae, Vilbrio harvel and Vlbrio paraheamoliticus.
- Eliminate ammonia and sulifid inside water
- Accelerate prtrefication procedure, constant control against basins’ bad odor
- Stabillze water quality; prevent change of water color (green) prevention of diseases and reduce the use of chemical and medicine products
- Enhance aqautic Biology survival rate and productivity

The main application is to accelerate the compose process and without present of offensive smell.