Welcome to the world of Biology Genesis Technologies. Our unique microbial Biology Genesis based technology is the ideal solution for a wide range of diverse applications that effectively eliminate some of the most complex problems known to mankind.
We are constantly developing our range of products and applications using the remarkable properties of our revolutionary core biotechnology that harnesses natural microbial and Biology Genesis functionality with a proprietary protein ‘Super Catalase’ that provides a significant biochemical rate acceleration.
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Fast Track Resources has grown from a single company offering a single product and services in one country into a strong and dynamic international group with a comprehensive range of business activities in ASEAN countries.
Our company involve in Waste Water Treatment by using Biotechnology as core business activity, While the core businesses are located in Peninsula & East Malaysia, Indonesia & Africa. The Group has extensive distribution and manufacturing activities into other region.
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Biogas is a by-product of the anaerobic (without oxygen) breakdown of organic matter. The organic matter could be any of a number of materials, but on the farm, it most often comprises animal manure or other agricultural waste.
The most important component in biogas is methane, a flammable gas that can be used in furnaces, for cooking, or even as an engine fuel. However, biogas also contains carbon dioxide and small amounts of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, and water vapor.
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